
Online Information Session on CBSI MSc and PhD Scholarships

đź“Ś Register for an online information session about CBSI Scholarships to begin in September 2025 The event will be led by co-chairs of the Congo Basin Science Initiative, Profs Raphael Tshimanga (University of Kinshasa, DRC) and Simon Lewis (University of Leeds, UCL, UK). đź“… Thursday 30 January 14:00-15:30 (West Africa time) The session will take place online via Zoom. Zoom link: Registration: More information on the scholarships:

CBSI supports Congo Basin Science Fair at British Embassy, Kinshasa

On Monday 9 December, the Congo Basin Science Initiative (CBSI) supported a Congo Basin Science Fair at the British Embassy, Democratic Republic of the Congo. This saw students from the University of Kinshasa give a series of poster presentations, raising awareness of emerging science. The event was an opportunity to celebrate the recent ÂŁ9.1m UK funding announcement to CBSI under the new Congo Basin Forest Action (CBFA) Programme. CBSI funding will support scientists across Central Africa to lead on critical … Read more

UK government announces major investment in Congo Basin science at COP29

The UK government has announced ÂŁ9.1 million ($11.7 million) in funding to scientists to provide the data and knowledge needed for policies to protect the world’s second largest area of tropical rainforest. The Foreign Secretary, David Lammy, announced the funding in a speech at COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan. The grant will be used to investigate the value and vulnerability of the Congo Basin rainforest and translate this new knowledge into policy action to protect forests, improve livelihoods, and support sustainable … Read more

Congo Basin Science Initiative at IUFRO24 World Congress in Stockholm

At the 26th IUFRO24 World Congress in Stockholm from 23-29 June 2024, the exhibition booth hosted by the Scientific and Academic College (SAC) of CBFP turned the spotlight onto Congo Basin Forest Science. On behalf of the Co-Facilitation of CBFP, Mme Emmanuelle Matras-Swyndegauw (French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs) opened a four-day series of workshops at the booth on Monday 23 June. Mme Sywndegauw celebrated the visibility that the booth gave to the Congo Basin and congratulated members of … Read more

Creating a platform for Congo Basin Forest Science at 26th IUFRO World Congress

The Congo Basin Science Initiative is joining members of the Scientific and Academic College (SAC) of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) at the 26th IUFRO World Congress, a global gathering of forest stakeholders in Stockholm from 23-29 June 2024. Come and meet us if you are in Stockholm: together with SAC colleagues we will be hosting booth A01:01 in Exhibition Hall A at Stockholmsmässan, Mässvägen 1, 125 80 Stockholm. Over the course of the week there will be a … Read more

Strong science for strong action: investments in local institutions for sustainable development of the Congo Basin

We are excited to share details of our side event at the Congo Basin Forest Partnership Meeting of Parties. The Congo Basin Science Initiative (CBSI) is co-hosting the event with the Science Panel for the Congo Basin (SPCB). It will provide an update on the progress of SPCB and CBSI since the launch of the two initiatives in 2023. Speakers from SPCB and CBSI will be joined by panellists from other regional initiatives to discuss scientific collaboration for sustainable development … Read more

Strengthening existing capacity for African early career scholars

In the Congo Basin Science Initiative Science and Capacity Plan, we highlight the need for researchers and students in the Congo Basin to have access to a fund where they can speedily and efficiently apply for small amounts of funding for field data collection, equipment purchase, or visits to other institutions to learn a skill or carry out analysis. This allows central African researchers to have autonomy to do science, and not be constrained by only participating in projects funded … Read more

Congo Basin Science Initiative joins CBFP

The Congo Basin Science Initiative has officially joined the Scientific and Academic College of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP). The Congo Basin Science Initiative is now one of 127 member countries and organizations working together in the Congo Basin Forest Partnership to promote sustainable resource management, combat climate change and its impacts, improve living conditions and protect the unique biodiversity of Central Africa’s tropical forest.

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