How to apply

To apply for a CBSI Scholarship, you first need to select a Masters or PhD Scholarship to apply for. Next you will need to prepare your documents to apply for that scholarship, and then apply online by 28 Feburary 2025.

Your application will be assessed, and in March 2025 you may be called to interview. After interview, successful candidates will be informed, and they will apply to the university offering the degree programme to secure a place, by the university deadline. The successful candidate will then begin their studies in September/October 2025.

Please ensure that you meet all the criteria for both the CBSI Scholarship you are applying for and the degree-awarding institution. See below for how your application will be assessed, and the interview process.

You must apply for each MSc / PhD scholarship separately. For example, if you are interested in two PhD projects, please submit two separate applications. There is a place in the online application to tell us your first preference scholarship. Follow these steps to apply. If you have questions consult our FAQ page.

Preparing and applying for a scholarship

Check that you meet nationality and residency criteria

To apply for a CBSI PhD or Master’s Scholarships, you must be a national of and ordinarily resident* in Cameroon, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gabon or Republic of the Congo, including at the time of application (28 February 2025). Proof of eligibility will be required. You can apply for a scholarship based at a university in your country of residence or in another country (Cameroon, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gabon, Republic of the Congo or the UK). Universities for each scholarship are specified in the project listings.

* For a country to be considered as your country of ordinary residence, you should habitually, normally and lawfully reside in that area out of choice.

Find your project and check prerequisite skills

CBSI Scholarships are Masters level training programmes and research-focused PhD projects in specific areas. Each scholarship is based within one of the six CBSI observatories. Find the right Master’s or research opportunity for you by reading the project pages. Prequisite skills are specified for each project – you will need to demonstrate these in your application.

Check entry requirements of the University offering the degree programme

If you win funding and a supervisory team for the project, you will then need to apply to the University offering the degree programme to secure a place. The entry requirements vary according to the University and the programme – check the project pages for further information and links to entry requirements. You should ensure your qualifications meet the University’s entry requirements.

If you are applying for a project at a UK institution and English isn’t your first language, you will also need to meet the relevant English language requirements before you start the programme. CBSI funding is available to successful candidates for intensive training to help prepare for English language tests.

Prepare your statements

In the online application form, you will need to enter short statements in answer to the following questions. You may wish to prepare your answers then enter them into the online application.

  • How do your previous studies, research and professional experience demonstrate your potential and ability to complete the project successfully? (500 words)
  • Why do you want to do this MSc/PhD? (500 words)
  • Why would you like to join the CBSI research and capacity building programme? (500 words)
  • Please give any relevant circumstances regarding your application that you would like to draw to the attention of the selection committee, e.g. unusual education path, change of study direction (250 words)

If you are applying for the scholarship “MSc in Anthropology, UCL +PhD, Omar Bongo University”, you will also need to enter a statement as follows:

  • An outline of project, place and people concerned explaining why they will be a good focus for your research (500 words)

You will need to complete your application form and statements in the following language:

  • In English, for projects at UK universities
  • In French, for projects at universities in Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gabon and Republic of the Congo and for the MSc in Anthropology, UCL +PhD, Omar Bongo University
  • In English or French, for projects at universities in Cameroon

Prepare your supporting documents

When you apply, you will need to upload all required supporting documents to the online portal:

Official documents

  • Degree certificates
  • Transcripts
  • Copy of passport or national ID card
  • Evidence of where you are ordinarily resident, including at the time of application (28 February 2025). Acceptable evidence includes the following:
    • EITHER a residency certificate issued by local authorities
    • OR a University registration certificate
    • OR a work placement certificate
    • OR a certificate of employment


  • A CV summarising your academic record and highlighting experience that demonstrates your potential to conduct research

Statement (applicants for PhD projects only)

  • A two-page statement outlining how you would develop the project that you are applying for. This could include developing the fieldwork, analyses, or other aspects of the project given in the advertisement for the project, or related avenues of research to answer questions posed in the advertisement for the project. The statement should be uploaded as a PDF of no more than two pages, font size 11 or larger, 2 cm margins

Two references, preferably academic

  • When you contact your referees, you should provide them with the details of your chosen project and ask them to provide a reference on letter headed paper which states:
    • in what capacity they know you
    • how long they have known you
    • how they would assess your academic potential
    • how they would assess your potential to complete the project that you are applying for successfully
    • any other relevant information

Official documents and references can be in English or in French.

The language of the CV and the statement (if applicable) should be as follows:

  • In English, for projects at UK universities
  • In French, for projects at universities in Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gabon and Republic of the Congo and for the MSc in Anthropology, UCL +PhD, Omar Bongo University
  • In English or French, for projects at universities in Cameroon

PLEASE NOTE: your documents will not be checked before we assess your application. You must ensure that all required documents are uploaded to the online portal. Your application will not be considered if it is incomplete.

An English language test certificate is not a required document. However if you have already taken an English language test (e.g. IELTS), please also upload the test certificate.

Check key dates and deadlines

CBSI Scholarships will typically start in September/October 2025. Check the project pages for details.

The deadline to apply for CBSI Scholarships is 28 February 2025.

We aim to complete interviews with all shortlisted candidates by 31 March 2025. If you are successful, you will be notified soon after interviews are complete, to allow time for you to apply to universities for an expected start in September/October 2025.

Submit your application

You apply for the scholarship through our online system, which uses the NextZen platform. Download our step-by-step guide to help you complete your scholarship application.

Make sure that you upload all required supporting documents to the online system and submit your application before the deadline. Your documents will not be checked before your application is assessed. We will not be able to assess your application if it is incomplete.

You will receive an automatic confirmation once you submit your application.

If you have a disability and have difficulties using the online application form, please contact the CBSI Secretariat, email

Apply here

After you’ve applied

Assessing your application

The selection committee will assess your application and supporting documents against the following criteria:

  • Academic merit
  • Motivation for project/course of study
  • (applicants for PhD projects only) Quality of statement outlining how you would develop the project

When shortlisting for interviews, the selection committee will also take account of contextual information that you provide in your application (your nationality, and if you identify as a woman or as an autochthon* candidate) as a means of promoting geographical spread of awards across all eligible countries and promoting participation of underrepresented groups in central African science, in particular women and autochthon candidates.

* Here CBSI uses the term autochthon to be consistent with the Republic of the Congo Law No. 5 2011 of 25 February 2011 on promoting and protecting the rights of Indigenous Peoples. We use autochthon to refer to indigenous populations that are distinguished from other groups of the national population by their cultural identity, their way of life and their extreme vulnerability, that traditionally included foraging and hunting. Groups include but are not limited to Aka, Baka, Bakola, Bakoya, Biaka, Bayaka, Babenzele, Gyele, Kola, Mbuti, Twa, Mutwa, Batwa, peoples.

Disability disclosure

CBSI welcomes applications from individuals with outstanding talent and identifiable potential from all walks of life. If you have a disability and are called for interview, please contact the CBSI Secretariat to let us know about any impairment, health condition or learning difference that has a substantial or long-term impact on your ability to carry out day-to-day activities. This will help us to make reasonable adjustments. With your permission, reasonable adjustments will be discussed with the lead supervisor for your project. If you are a disabled student, your application will be assessed in the same way as all other applications. It will not affect our academic assessment of your application.

Interview and tests

If you are shortlisted you will be invited to attend an interview with the supervisory team and take tests. You will normally attend an interview in a CRAFT laboratory in your country of residence. Some panel members may participate online.

Applying to your university

If you are successful at the formal interview, you will then be asked to apply to the University offering the programme. The application process varies according to the University and programme – check the project pages for information on how to apply for the degree programme.

Please email the CBSI Secretariat to let us know that you have submitted an application. This will help us to liaise with admissions contacts at the University offering the programme.

If you are applying for a project at a UK institution and English isn’t your first language, you will also need to meet the relevant English language requirements before you start the programme. Funding is available to successful candidates for tuition to take English language tests.


If you have an offer of a study place at an institution outside of your country of residence, you may require a visa. Visa advice for international students coming to the UK is available at our UK partner institutions, the University of Leeds, the University of Oxford and the University of Stirling.