Join us at COP28


CBSI Network

Co-chairs of the Congo Basin Science Initiative, Prof Raphael Tshimanga (University of Kinshasa), Prof Simon Lewis (University of Leeds / UCL) and CBSI colleagues are speaking at the following events:

Date & TimeEvent titleJoin
Sun 3 Dec 10:00-11:30 GSTCongo Basin Science Initiative: Research and capacity building to confront the climate and biodiversity crises and promote sustainable development
Including speakers Prof Raphael Tshimanga and Prof Simon Lewis
Gabon Pavilion
Sun 3 Dec
16:00-17:30 GST
Launch of the Science Panel for the Congo Basin
High-level event for our sister initiative, including speakers Ms Emma Torres, Prof Raphael Tshimanga and Dr Lydie-Stella Koutika
COMIFAC Pavilion
Sun 10 Dec 14:45Renforcement des compétences scientifiques et lutte contre la déforestation et la dégradation forestière en Afrique centrale face aux changements climatiques
CIFOR event, including speakers Prof Raphael Tshimanga and Prof Simon Lewis
In person: Pavillon de la Francophonie
Online: Register