The Congo Basin Science Initiative is joining members of the Scientific and Academic College (SAC) of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) at the 26th IUFRO World Congress, a global gathering of forest stakeholders in Stockholm from 23-29 June 2024.
Come and meet us if you are in Stockholm: together with SAC colleagues we will be hosting booth A01:01 in Exhibition Hall A at Stockholmsmässan, Mässvägen 1, 125 80 Stockholm. Over the course of the week there will be a series of workshops showcasing Congo Basin Forest Science platforms and highlighting the latest research, innovations and applied science.
Many Scientific and Academic College members have shared project materials for presenting at the stand, including the Canadian Global Forest Leadership Program, CEBioS, CongoFlux, Centre for Biodiversity Monitoring, University of Kisangani, ISEA – Tshela and CongoPeat.
Join a workshop with members of the CBFP Scientific and Academic College
Monday 24th June
12:30 | Scientific & Academic College (SAC) of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) Opening of the workshop programme on behalf of the Franco-Gabonese Co-facilitation of CBFP; introduction to the mission and road map of different activities of the Scientific and Academic College of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership | Emmanuelle Matras-Swynghedauw CBFP Co-facilitation | Ministère de l’Europe et des Affaires Étrangères, France Damase Khasa SAC, CBFP | U of Laval |
Tuesday 25th June
10:30 | Presentation of the One Forest Vision Initiative (OFVi) Find out more about our objective and our methods of scientific cooperation and capacity building to protect tropical forests and wetlands | Camille Lacroux OFVi | INRAE |
12:30 | CIFOR-ICRAF in Central Africa Learn about the CIFOR-ICRAF presence in Central Africa; the RESSAC Programme and its achievements to date; the State of the Forests of the Congo Basin : Thematic edition 2024 | Richard Eba’a Atyi CIFOR-ICRAF Richard Sufo CIFOR-ICRAF |
15:00 | Conservation challenges and opportunities of UNESCO-designated sites (World Heritage and Biosphere Reserves) in Central Africa Learn more about ERAIFT interventions in Central Africa and the UNESCO-designated sites (World Heritage and Biosphere Reserves) and their state of conservation in the region. | Heim Myline Houehounha Dode ERAIFT | U of Liège |
15:30 | Central African Forests Research Network (R2FAC) for balanced collaboration between forest research institutions working in Central Africa At the end of this session, participants will have a better understanding of R2FAC activities in central Africa. | Lucie Temgoua R2FAC | U of Dschang |
Thursday 27th June
10:30 | Presentation of the scientific part of the project “Reforestation in the forest management units of Cameroon (UFA – Reforest)” At the end of the session, participants will learn about the scientific objectives of the UFA-Reforest project, which aims to gain a better understanding of the factors that favour the performance of native planted trees. | Crispin Ilunga-Mulala Mushagalusa U of Liège |
12:30 | RIFFEAC: actions for harmonising training and capacity-building programmes in Central Africa At the end of this session, participants will have a better understanding of RIFFEAC and the actions undertaken in Central Africa to build capacity and harmonise forestry training programmes | Lucie Temgoua RIFFEAC | U of Dschang |
Friday 28th June
10:30 | Strong science for strong action: investments in local institutions for sustainable development of the Congo Basin Hear about the Congo Basin Science Initiative, a framework for driving the investments needed to gain an integrated understanding of Congo Basin ecosystems and the many services they provide, and foster the expertise needed to support urgent policy and decision-making. | Lucie Temgoua Congo Basin Science Initiative (CBSI) | U of Dschang Helen Plante CBSI | U of Leeds |
12:30 | Leveraging remote sensing to understand tropical ecosystems in a changing world Learn about current and forthcoming cutting-edge remote sensing capabilities for monitoring and understanding the Congo Basin, and hear about PANGEA, a NASA-funded scoping study for a NASA tropical forest terrestrial ecology campaign | Elsa Ordway PANGEA | UCLA |
Please let us know your thoughts!
Members of the Scientific and Academic College of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership have been delighted to meet many delegates at IUFRO. If you visited our stand we would be grateful if you could follow the link to answer five questions, letting us know what you thought: https://forms.office.com/e/Pq0S5R57tV Thank you in advance for your feedback which will help us plan events in future.

Booth co-organised by